A rapidly growing gaming community in Pakistan among gamers, where you will get ignored mostly all the time while trying to be nice and friendly. The platform includes the best feature to date that is the Market Place, where mostly some idiots will ruin your experience but you will be happy in the end.
PakGamers Market Place
Seller: Selling Wii for 25000Rs

Idiot#1: Dude that's like way too high of a price duhhhh

Idiot#2: I can get it for 19000Rs boo hoo

Idiot#3: What is it made out of gold that you're selling it that high are you insane?

Idiot#4: Wii is for losers

Interested Buyer: Check Your PM

Seller: Sold to Interested Buyer
by AConcernedPGUser July 17, 2010
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The first and only platform in Pakistan dedicated to gaming and gaming enthusiasts. A rapidly growing community which allows Pakistani gamers to share their views, ideas, interact with other gamers, post/read gaming news, reviews, previews, cheats, find their match for LAN gaming, introduce their clans and more! Play....The Pakistani Way
PakGamers is the only place where you get an achievement for being a girl.

If u think u r gay wait till u meet my PG friends :P :P

jshak,Shyber and INF3RNO created PakGamers. Hacks and totallyme247 keep it running.
by PG Hacks December 31, 2010
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