Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction.
by josephisalive July 27, 2014
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PIED does mean Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction but it does not mainly affect virgins per your definition.
I have been a sex educator for 45 years+ and this is rampant for any males who get a significant portion of sexual gratification from porn. And then when the opportunity presents itself, they come up "short".
Aloha, Janis Bush
I have been a sex educator for 45 years+ and this is rampant for any males who get a significant portion of sexual gratification from porn. And then when the opportunity presents itself, they come up "short".
Aloha, Janis Bush
Used in a sentence: She started dating this guy who had been single and celibate for 5 years who spends hours watching porn every night and now can't get it up for her because he has PIED.
by Oceanqueen July 3, 2022
Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction. Mainly affecting virgins, when they finally get a chance to have sex, they can't get it up due to having watched too much porn and can only get hard when they watch porn
I took a girl home last night finally but my pathetic existence of watching porn has left me with PIED
by diabeatu November 11, 2014
Pi is an irrational number (meaning the digits never end or have a repeating pattern) that is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter...this ratio is a constant for any circle, regardless of size.
The first 100 digits for pi is equal to 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 ...
by PY Love and Peace June 6, 2013
"If u had pies then I woulda been heard of you, I prolly supply the guy thats been servin' you."
- Cassidy
- Cassidy
by shylock holmes August 26, 2006