
When you do something for a short period of time
Friend: "Yo you down to reach the bar tonight?"
Me: "Nah man, I got work tomorrow"
Friend:"Bro just have a one-two drink"
Me: "Aiight"

Friend: "You still banging your ex?!"
Me: "Nah bro it was just a one-two"
by justaonetwo November 9, 2019
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one two, one two

Inane phrase uttered by many people when testing microphones.
Testing, testing, one two, one two. Yeah I think it's working.
by Lambchops November 24, 2004
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The One Two

Also called the "Once Over". The one two is when someone looks you up and down to judge one you in some way or another. Mostly you get this look from a hater or someone trying to size you up.
(Walking through the mall)

Ashley: "Hey why is that girl giving you The One Two"
Remedy: "I think its because she sees my new Jordans."
by Remedy 3.0 December 7, 2009
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1.To "manually pleasure" a girl
I hear Dazza gave her the old one-two

They've gone to the other room for a bit of one-two
by getyourhaircut October 12, 2007
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One Two Teddy

To smack up someone up so badly that their neck hurts from the whiplash. Common term among the online poker community.
thanks stupid
wow, you just aren't very bright are you?
I mean, I SMACKED u up
damn bro,
I gave you the one two teddy
does your neck hurt?
from that whiplash
I am gonna leave the table now
with your money honey
thanks for the contribution
you are a pal
by Microstakes May 16, 2008
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one-two shuffle

The one two shuffle is an old deception tactic. The intention is to methodically distract your adversary while you make a counter maneuver. Phase one involves a major distraction.
Phase two is where you initiate your plan of action under the guise of phase one.
Sir, the enemy just pulled a one-two shuffle on us.

Apparently they left a small band of soldiers to tend to all the fires while they left under the cover of darkness. We do not know their current position.

I can't believe you used the one-two shuffle to beat me in chess. While you were sacrificing all your pawns, you snuck in a check mate. Well done.
by Mr.Ection May 24, 2021
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