by Legend1337 January 6, 2021
The coolest, funniest, sweetest guy in the world. If you ever meet an Olliver, consider yourself the luckiest person in the world.
by Earthyrainbowdeath November 27, 2021
A cute genurous person with a lot of energy. He has the perfect hait and eys and every girl wants him
by totalyme April 28, 2016
by totalyme April 28, 2016
An unknown Sound Cloud Rapper with unrealistic dreams with no realistic way of achieving said dreams.
by Marta_Valle_Ghost January 30, 2017
by braden page June 13, 2010
Oh my lordy lord is that olliver Claims he's gonna beat be and never does ;( such a chadsterling. Randomly barks beware he bites. Definitely shaves his asshole. Like rebel boy skips class for 5 minutes silly goose.
by SmokWheed420 November 16, 2022