I saw a hot guy walking down the street the other day; he was a total ofte!
by congress November 28, 2005
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oh fuck that
guy 1: hey dude wanna go out tonight?
guy 2: OFT!
by mshaw9 July 5, 2009
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She shouted ''Don't cum OFT''
by lxvesick December 15, 2021
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oft is a shortened word for often
i'm sittin sidewayz, oft in a daze, on a sunday nite i mite burn me some haze.....paul wall-sittin sidewayz(my added version)
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a sound expressing that you find someone attractive, typically on social media. Often followed by a series of extra 't's for more emphasis.
Person: OFTTTT Amy you look so damn hot!


Person 2: OFTTTT Becky, Oscar Isaac is so fine
by khoshgelkhanoom November 5, 2016
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"off the freaking tables"
like: that cake is cool oft
That party was cool oft
That party was so cool it was off the fucking tables
by bigsean94 April 5, 2015
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