A man who's greatest quality and contribution to society is his skin color.
Joe Biden, had this to say about Obama during the 2008 presidential election: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
by craigmk1974 April 10, 2011
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Wow thats defanitly obama, no wait thats a zoo monkey.
by Shitmynameisalreadyinuse December 17, 2009
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Another way of chatspeaking "Oh, bummer." Perfect for IRCs.
A: B j00 w0|\| n0th3n9 cuz C w0|\| t3h raff13!

B: Obama
by Ps00d00n00m November 21, 2008
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1. Someone who can pass for a black person, but in fact is only a small part black and not even a descendant of african american slaves. These fakes are usually the ones who expect and even seek out special treatment because of their self declared "race".

2. Someone who white people befriend or vote for to seem less racist, only to prove it instead.
1. "Damn, Cletus, what the fuck is powder doing here? I thought this was a black only church!"

"Nope, thats not powder, its Senator Barrack Obama", said Cletus

2. "Yeah she invited me to her work party to make it look like she is not racist, I feel like a fuckin Obama!"
by wisconsinite February 13, 2008
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The winner of "President Idol" and the Main character in "President Evil - The world on one mans shoulders"
Respected for his skin colour and not his intelligence, Obama has on some occasions appeared in the senate though its been speculated he got lost while looking for the bathroom and just so happened to stumble in there during session.

If americans had any sense they would have voted for Dumbledoor for present and thats perfectly legal considering nither of them are american citizens.
And the winner is... Obama!
by Searchlights. April 16, 2010
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The man we don't want in office. He wants universal health care, to raise taxes, and to close down small businesses. Also, Obama supports partial-birth abortion,no medical care for children who survive abortion, isolationism, goes mainly on charisma and youth, has dangerous associations with people such as William Ayers,Jeremiah Wright, Father Phleger,Tony Rezko,and the anti-Semite and black supremacist Louis Farrakhan.

He is also a Christian who is a great family man with a committed wife and two children, but he is somewhat misguided. I pray for him.
Obama was the only Senator of 100 to oppose medical care for children in the early 2000s.
by A proud Christian Republican September 5, 2008
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A Coward. Someone who lies in pursuit of their selfish agenda or fame/ego/ideology.
Someone who draws lines in the sand and steps away from them.
Someone who talks tough at the last minute they are leaving the scene.
"Man, Don't be such an Obama!"
by SoulChateau December 16, 2016
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