The biggest douche, pussy slayer 3000. An orneli is a rly inverted person with a horrible smile and disgusting face. The typical orneli has abs and veins but looks like a fuccin kangaroo. Still he gets lots of puss and sucks lots of toes.
by Orneli June 9, 2020
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An acronym for "Oh really now!": A sarcastic response to a statement that is obvious or frankly false.
Person 1: I do not suffer from insanity..... I enjoy every minute of it!
Person 2: ORN!
by Gladiator Bed-Warmer December 13, 2009
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the size of my shit denotes that i must have an Orn
by SoL January 12, 2004
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Synonym to "owned" "pwned" etc.
omgzOR hi2u i liek orned t3h n00b with my r337 deagle KEKEKKEKEKEKEK!!!!
by Dennis Scott August 9, 2004
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cockney- sexual attraction (charecterised by an erection) to something or someone
"Just lookin' at 'er gives me the 'orn!
by Timothy Morris Daniels December 6, 2009
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ex1: Psh, do you want a ride, orn?

guy-Ya, girl give me some head right now.
by ohmananotherword July 11, 2008
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short for "Oh Really Now!" which is used for several reasons to include: (1) As a response to when a person feels someone has stated something in a boastful manner, implying a high or superior status; (2) As a response to when someone feels competitive with another, or feels doubtful of another; (3) As a mood-elating fun statement.
(1) Frank: "I can bench press over 300 pounds."
Dan: "Oh Really Now?"

(1) Matt: "I cleared over 200k last year."
John: "Oh Really Now."

(2) Bob: "I used to run a mile in less than 5 minutes. I could do it right now if I wanted."
Bill: "Oh Really Now."

(3) "Oh Really Now! Orn!"
by Orn May 22, 2011
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