A discord bot which was banned by Discord that probably won't come back.
"why is NotSoBot offline?"

"someone put bad stuff in our tag system which caused our bot to be disabled temporarily."

.t test
by oh boy a gamer February 5, 2020
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A Racist bot that likes to touch little kids
person 1: Hey, did you see what NotSoBot said to me earlier? Person2: Yeah, i gave up on that server long ago.
by runeskape125 January 19, 2017
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A Shit Bot you can download in Discord Servers that can do lots of Rad stuff to do
And has lots of commands
"hey Download Notsobot to the server!"
by SuperDude72 April 2, 2018
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Guy 1: NotSoBot is GREAT!
Guy 2: I know right? It's so funny!,
by matheusmothy December 3, 2017
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