
No Momentum - no motivation to complete a task
This project is going slow to day because I have nomentum.
by WiredTiger August 26, 2003
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- When a subject, movement or political campaign has no momentum to reaching its perceived goal, usually from the very start.
- A sudden and abrupt halting to ones thrust or energy into achieving ones goal

This similar to joementum, but rather than it having the perception of momentum but not going anywhere, it is clear to everyone that it is not going anywhere from the start.
Cenk's bid to get to write literature about fraternity brothers has nomentum
by Slixx April 7, 2019
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The momentum of an appetite continuing to grow once you have started eating.
"Wasn't that hungry before, now that I've had a nom, I could keep nomming. I have NOMentum."
by ctown_enigma October 21, 2011
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