A person that is trash at fortnite and spends all his time on the game and is a sweaty try hard
by Brooks XD January 20, 2019
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A Nerd Neck is someone who has no-life and spends all there time on video games.
1. This kid is such a Nerd Neck!
2. Look at his stats! Over 40k kills!
by poop sex gamer December 1, 2018
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A "human" that spends so much time playing video games that their posture is level nerd neck. Everytime anyone goes tryhard they hunch down and their neck gets longer there fore a nerd neck is always hunched down cause they're always going try hard. In other words a nerd neck is a try hard, since their neck is 100% longer than the average human being due to playing too many video games and taking them serious, nerd necks are not even considered human anymore but something more sad. Nerd necks are often found on fortnite, their natural habitat usually being tilted towers.
What a fucking nerd neck!

He is building so fast, nerd neck!

Looser more like a nerd neck ha!
by D Sandwich Maker February 5, 2019
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It is when a wamen gives head to a gay fag
Bitch ur a nerd neck
by OminousPanda February 11, 2019
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A clash of classes. A nerd-neck is the future. These people take the smart route to the ultimate redneck-Esq result. For example, i want to get drunk and blow stuff up, instead of getting explosives and beer, ill tell two friends to come over because its going to be awesome, one friend will be told to bring beer and the other friend to bring the explosives, then all you have to do is grab your lawnchair, get a good spot and watch the show. Thats how you get stuff done the nerd-neckin way!
I be nerd-neckin all night man i be neckin (in the tune of "i be on it")
by Hotshot270win December 20, 2017
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Someone Who Has no life and only plays video games for at least 74 hours a week the term nerd neck was popularized by a content creator Who goes by the name tenser or faze tenser
by Fearzghost May 10, 2019
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