by Hollstein's Vamp June 30, 2021
Shorthand way of writing noob in online games and sometimes used to bypass word filters which recognize "noob" as an insult.
by huge ass nub July 10, 2013
This Chick was soo fine but she suffered from NBS, "No Butt Syndrome," otherwise I would've fucked that shit up.
by T-money25 November 6, 2006
No be small. This is mainly used in the Ghanaian and Nigerian social media to suggest it's not a small issue we are talking about
by Maxicifer October 11, 2020
by Agent-VIP July 4, 2005
Abbreviation for…
1. Non-black (not a black person)
2. Non-binary (person whose gender identity is not male or female)
3. Nobody
1. Non-black (not a black person)
2. Non-binary (person whose gender identity is not male or female)
3. Nobody
by 100PercentEthylAlcohol July 28, 2022