Thigh N-word pass is when a high status black person grants a hwite person the abillity to manipulate their vocabulary into including the divinated N-Word.
by 420Yoda69,911 June 20, 2019
white person1 : what's up my n word
black person: what the-
white person 2: it's okay he has the n-word pass
black person: the n word pass does not exist
black person: what the-
white person 2: it's okay he has the n-word pass
black person: the n word pass does not exist
by Lovely Peaches Music 100 May 6, 2020
by Lilnibuh February 11, 2019
girl 1 " BROO boy 1 has been saying the N- word ever since Jamal gave him that stupid ass N-word pass"
girl 2; "FRR hes throwing it around like an 8 year old who just found out what cuss words are"
girl 2; "FRR hes throwing it around like an 8 year old who just found out what cuss words are"
by Slay_Mamas96 January 27, 2023
by xXel_papa_de_los_PollitosXx July 2, 2019
(noun) The n-word pass is something that white people created so then they could call African Americans Nigerian princes. It's seriously stupid how African Americans agree that this is okay when they hate being called the n-word.
by (-.-)Zzz... February 28, 2019
by D3F1N1T0N March 7, 2019