A very small and adorable asian girl who has a very attractive hot friend
Damn, look at her standing there with her very hot and attractive hot friend. She is such a Mykhaella.
by Very attractive friend November 27, 2021
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A little tinsy winsy short adorable asian girl who has a very attractive and charming friend
Damn she’s so short compared to her very attractive and charming friend! She’s such a Mykhaella.
by Very attractive friend November 23, 2021
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A little little tinsy winsy smoll adorable child who was a very attractive and charming friend
Look at her standing there with her friend! Such a huge height difference. What a Mykhaella
by Very attractive friend November 22, 2021
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A little little tinsy winsy smoll little adoranle child who has a very attractive and charming friend
Just look at her standing there right next to her very attractive and charming friend. Such a huge height difference. What a Mykhaella.
by Very attractive friend November 22, 2021
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