Shaniqwa: Olivia Pope needs her own man! Tired of basic b*tches hopping on my men.

Me: MORTING!!!!!!!!
by thedinosaurxx November 22, 2015
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the act of habitually bedshitting combined with periods of severe confusion. Usually in a video game.
I just couldn't stop morting in call of duty last night.
by unevenzero October 7, 2013
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a descriptive word commonly used to describe members' of society whom lack the necessary brain cells to perform basic life skills. Often seen moping around with a look of complete confusion, they are commonly mistaken for individuals with significant brain injuries and have a complete lack of savoir-faire.


Commonly added to the end of names to highlight those with a distinct lack of interpersonal instincts.
Alex Polkinghorn is incompetent in most aspects of his life, particularly in his interpersonal relationships, to highlight his deficiencies in a non-aggressive manor, his friends affectionately know him as,

'Alex Polkingmort'
by Alexis Livingstone March 11, 2021
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The very cool skull from Planescape: Torment. He pretended to be a mimir, a mechanical encyclopedia that happens to look like a skull, for a while, but it is eventually revealed that he was on the Pillar of Skulls in Avernus, the first layer of Baator.
"Morte, like, Latin...for death."
by D-san July 14, 2003
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Latin word for Death or Dead
Te novice est morte
teh n00b is dead
by Jesus v2 January 31, 2005
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Anything used to describe someone who lacks sense of life, looks dumbfounded, and has only a limited ability to learn and understand. Often excluded from society.
"Look at harry, he looks like such a mort"
Also can be referred to as a withered like tree.
by Giorgio Mosto May 15, 2008
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Those who are Morts are like you and me. They are all of us. They represent the best and worst of humanity. Loves their community, but sometimes controversial. A hard working free spirit with a strong sense of community. Loves lemonade.
When faced with adversity, find your inner mort.

Me, Mort and Mort are going to have lemonade now.
by LickyNickyOfficial September 17, 2021
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