Typically a black man that is very poor and acts like the richest person.He usually is on some type of drug on days that end with the word day and is also always getting hurt.
by Tommyhil July 26, 2019
A Money Mike is someone who thinks they are good at basketball, but they are absolutely garbage. A Money Mike usually also has a "weak chin" or no chin at all.
John: "Remember that kid we played yesterday during the basketball game?"
Tanner: "Ya, he was trash."
Jake: "That Kid was such a Money Mike."
Tanner: "Ya, he was trash."
Jake: "That Kid was such a Money Mike."
by bigblacknigga3000000 October 7, 2016
Big money Mike is a term used is orange county to describe someone who is extremely wealthy. Usually the person can buy whatever he/she wants. Big money Mike's make an excessive amount of money and don't know what to do with it. Someone who makes over 100 k. Also known as a baller.
by Omario516 January 21, 2018
by Neutral Nandy July 5, 2017
The state of not worrying about scrimping and saving your dollars, often occurring after being paid or coming into a large sum of money; being able to treat yourself after a long period of restraint. Directly references the sandwich chain which is known to be more expensive than many of its competitors. It can be argued “why get Subway when you've got Jersey Mikes money?”
by Classic Ed May 20, 2024