good, excellent, tops, superb, large, etc. Etymology: corruption of mince (circa 1980 to mid-1990s).
It was a monce result. That is monce mince.
by Bob Franklin March 26, 2003
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a person classified as "the sexiest motherfucker in the history of the world."
Wow, i banged tyler last night, he is SUCH a monce.
by oliviac January 18, 2008
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The Facebook art of Moncing. When you do not trust someone on your friends list to be in a group with your other friends. So you end up banning then from the group and away from your other friends.

Only preformed by the creator or admin of a group. Usually involves inviting them with a group request. Then when they accept and you find they will cause trouble within the group you ban them.

Thus preforming the art of moncing.
"Why have you banned me Emelda?"

"I didn't trust you in the group with my friends"

"so you're moncing me then?"

"yes I am do you have a problem with that?"
by Ricky Foxwell February 12, 2009
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The amazing work of Catherine Nails after she turned her doggy Verity into mince. Monce is also given as a gift to men called 'Leman", as they are sad.

Nick P will not rate it though which is depressing.
"Here is some monce, my dear" - Rowan
"Pogchamp" - Leman
by Rowan nails January 16, 2021
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monce is Lennys Forever
Monce Is Lennys
by Monce and lenny February 24, 2019
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