An eater of animal flesh, cooked or raw,who is obnoxious about it to the point of mocking those who choose not to join him/her.
When that meatard found out that I was a vegan, he delighted in waving his Big Mac under my nose!
by Tofu King February 6, 2005
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A person who eats animal products and experinces extreme cognitive dissonance when a vegan talks about veganism.
Vegan: Eating animals today is unnecessary as we can get all the nutrients and vitamins we need from plants.
Meatard: Animals eat animals tho, lions tho, protein tho, history tho, circle of life tho...
Vegan: You just can’t have a logical debate with a meatard...
by O’G July 18, 2018
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"uhh sorry i don't eat meat... I'm slightly meatarded"
by Josh Vinson July 11, 2008
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