An autistic child that is short, annoying, and wild. However, it’s okay since he has a troubled life at home, and that’s why everyone cuts him some slack.
“Mason won’t stop showing me memes!”
by SugmaButthole October 16, 2018
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A boy who is Extremely cute, probably tall and lanky-ish, and has a thing for short girls even though it's all the tall girls who like him. He may or may not be a really good singer, and if he is he's most likely a tenor.
Girl: oh I have such a big crush on mason, but he only likes short girls.
by Draco Lucius Malfoy February 14, 2015
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Mason likes to play destiny and dark souls whilst eating a groovy biscuit 🍪 and fiddling with his ball bag
by Masons mum November 15, 2019
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Mason is the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He's country and usually extremely tall. He's outstanding in baseball and really smart. He loves God and always knows what to say. If you have a Mason keep him 'cause they are the best. His eyes are gorgeous and he always looks good. He is funny and always has a smile on his face. He makes friends with everyone and is a leader. He is great at basically anything and can shoot a bow and arrow with a blindfold on. Mason's are good at keeping secrets and know how to keep a girl in love. Girls easily fall for Mason and always wants to be around him. If you have one, you have found a keeper.
I love Mason!
by Zyxwvutsrq67 January 15, 2014
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Used to desribe slighly insane, yet outgoing and very optimistic person.
Despite whatever situation, a Mason can pull through.
You're a Mason.
by Mobs Moberly January 30, 2009
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Mason is the most sweetest, funniest, caring guys you can ever meet. If you get with a mason, please keep him, he is the best thing that could ever happen to you. He can change your world in the matter of a minute because he know how to just to talk to you. He loves his girl with everything in him, she says she loves him more but that's not the case. She will never know how much he loves her. She Is his build in best friend and never wants to lose her. He will treat you like a princess. Mason is a good person overall but doesn't like to many people but if you're cool with him then you're cool with him, he really is only friends with his girl tho, no matter if anyone else says they are his best friend. If you insult his girl, then you'll know about it and he will not let you get away with it. Also if you have beef with his girl you can best believe he will not like you even if he doesn't know you. He hypes her so much. Mason also has a big dick but stays saying it's little, his girl hates it but as long as she knows wassup it's all good.
Mason is the best
by Truthteller400 August 8, 2017
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