a beautiful blonde girl who is very social and sweet. she is very unquie and special she is amazing and a very atracive young women. shes someone you want to show off
hey whos she
shes marinna
shes a very attracive young women
by whitney beck November 22, 2010
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Marinna is a caring, attractive and very funny girl. She is very special and the type of girl that you only are lucky enough to come across once in your lifetime. She may be petty at times, but don’t worry, it will all be worth it. It is common to want to cuddle with Marinna, and Marinna is spelled with ONE “N” PEOPLE!
Wow, talking to Marinna just made my day!”
by aaronisaloser April 3, 2020
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Marinna is a caring, attractive, very funny girl. You will never come across someone so special. She may be petty at times, but don’t get discouraged because if you stick with her it will ALL be worth it. And Marinna is spelled with ONE “N“ HOLY SHIT GET IT RIGHT!
Wow, that Marinna girl, just talking to her made my day!
by aaronisaloser April 3, 2020
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a person who has no clue what they are doing, while she plays video games for almost a year she still sucks at it. her boyfriend does carry her, but sometimes she does better then him. also she loves squishmallows yes it has two n's do not trust aaron person.
by meb4 February 2, 2023
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