(n.) to fall in love with a friend's girlfriend or love interest uncontrollably; to attempt to steal (unconsciously) your friend's girlfriend or love interest; to follow your heart without any regard for the feelings of those you care about.
Paul is busting a "Manny" for flirting and asking John's girlfriend out.
by Malachi Jamal June 2, 2006
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A Manny is someone who drunks alone in him/her room
by Benrayel June 1, 2020
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Manny: man-fanny. When a man tucks his business between his legs to make himself look like a lady.
Jame gave himself a manny while dancing to "Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazzarus wearing a suit made from dead girls.
by Jayyyy June 17, 2007
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The act of passing somebody a cigarette that has already been smoked down to the butt
Hey joelus can i have a drag of that smoke man, yea i will save you some.................. Here you go janus....... Dude whats this.......... Looks like a manny to me
by Jimmyjames187 October 29, 2006
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A spoilt liar that goes to daddy for everything because he can't grow passed his mental maturity cause he's always high he is a boy stuck in a man's body.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd November 2, 2020
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the purest ship that everyone loves they are a power couple and influence everyone around them. they are the main ship that everyone talks about and love eachother very much
person: “OMG is that the mannie ship??”

other person: “sure is aren’t they so good together”

person: “i heard they’ve kissed before”

other person: “but they aren’t even dating-“

person: “they pretty much are”
by yeeterbro August 19, 2019
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n. Male nanny or, as used by irritated mothers, a father who takes care of his own children's personal needs and thereby thinks he's being a hero or martyr.

You want me to thank you for changing a diaper on your own son? Why should I thank you? You are such a manny.

When you're done ranting I am still going to need a sandwich.
by gnostic! September 14, 2013
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