The subject of an Opera by Mozart.
Our flute choir played an excerpt from Mozart's "The Magic Flute"
by trombitar September 5, 2005
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Male sex organ. (usually used in ref. to oral sex)
My girlfriend played my magic flute.
by Cephas January 14, 2005
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Little Suzie walked in to her mother's bedroom, she pointed to her mom's dopepipe and said,"what's that?"Her mother replied"Honey, that is mommy's magic flute.only grownups can play the magic flute".
by J.D. DeHart September 9, 2004
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An opera written by Mozart in the 18th century in which a young prince, Tamino, embarks on a journey to save his princess, Pamina
person one: What's that opera with the bird guy again?
person two: Mozart's "The Magic Flute"
by UnoriginalIdiot28 May 25, 2019
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