The Latin word for sport. As used in the word Ludosexual.
"If a sapiosexual is someone attracted to intelligent people and conversation, what is the word that would describe sports fans?"
"Ludo. A Ludosexual is someone attracted to sports fans or anyone that loves sports and lives a sports fan lifestyle."
by Ludosexual December 30, 2022
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"If 'sapio' in the word sapiosexual refers to someone that is attracted to intelligence, what is the word for someone attracted to sports fans? "
"Ludo! Someone attracted to sports fans is a Ludosexual."
by Ludosexual December 30, 2022
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A shitty band that does a fucking attrocious excuse for a cover of Faith No More's "Epic"
And also some bullshit song about Louisiana.
The singer looks like some sort of elvis costello/ john flansburgh gene splicing experiment gone horribly wrong as he flails his arms emphatically about while gaying up and butchering other people's songs.
Ludo: The gayest band in the world.
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An amazing St. Louis pop/punk band. They play at the Pageant when they're in town.
Can you believe I had to miss the Cinco de Moustache show? Ludo was headlining!
by coatbutton May 13, 2006
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An amazing band from St. Louis, Missouri. They're soft rock music, with a unique sound provided by moogs, keyboards, and synths, along with witty, clever lyrics. They're pretty good, to say the least. But they're kind of just starting out though. Their fan base isn't huge, but it's pretty strong, and it sure is growing. The guys in the band are also extremely nice to their fans.
"Are you going to the LUDO show on the 21st?"
by pooptypeuptypants February 24, 2009
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Short for Ludicrous. Used when one is in complete amazement due to a particular occurence
I couldn't believe it son,
It was absolutely LUDO
by Matthew_the_diff May 1, 2007
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A gangbang involving two to four women coupling with four men each.
I'm going to the match tonight, hope to get in the changing room afterwords for some ludoing with the home-team.
by The_guy February 23, 2013
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