Used in live chat to express laughter and; confusion, disbelief, or lack of understanding. Often used in a mocking fashion.

Often written in all-caps for effect. Question and/or exclamation marks are optional.
AOLer: meh h0v3rcr4ft 1s fu11 0f e3e33eLLLzzz!!!1omgroffle

MrPerson: LOLWHAT?
by Justin May 7, 2005
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A term used to express simultaneous confusion due to a presumably inaccurate, misinterpreted, or absurd statement and laughter, nearly always due to this aforementioned PIMoAS.
Rebecca Black: The internet respects me and can't get enough of my phenomenal musical and vocal abilities.

You: Lolwhat.
by SixteenBS March 20, 2011
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Used to describe surprise and confusion when someone tells you something or you overhear something that is funny or out of the ordinary.
Person 1: So did you hear that Scott and Meagan went to a concert together last night?

Person 2: LolWhat??
by MtOaNyIlCoAr June 12, 2010
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