by kiwi1234567890 May 16, 2010
She the type of girl life of the party
Close friends, Mary J and Molly
Top down, a convertible car she probably prefer a murcielag(i)
Sweeter than lollipop
Every time the beat drops
She dancing and living free
Empathetic with no jealousy
Just like Vanellope, she''s the main character it's in her energy
Extra vanilla in all of her recipes
She like it sweet,
She only vegan only during the week
But when it's the weekend she wanting the lollipop
Close friends, Mary J and Molly
Top down, a convertible car she probably prefer a murcielag(i)
Sweeter than lollipop
Every time the beat drops
She dancing and living free
Empathetic with no jealousy
Just like Vanellope, she''s the main character it's in her energy
Extra vanilla in all of her recipes
She like it sweet,
She only vegan only during the week
But when it's the weekend she wanting the lollipop
by notmesir September 14, 2020
A hard but sweet candy shape like a circle. Little kids love to eat these when they go to chuckie cheeses.
by legit as shit July 11, 2008
The result of the violent insertion one's thumb into another's butt hole is one's thumb topped with a perfect amount of feces. The resulting thumb is ideally prepared for licking by any party involved or not.
by indiefriend May 16, 2008
This is the act of a women shoving her finger with fake large nails on it up a males or even females ass in an act of rape and the victim takes a shit and when the attacker removes her nail there is a lump of shit on it
by Violation92 April 12, 2010
by The Central Scrutinizer August 14, 2008