When obesed people say LMFAO it means they're laughing their fatass off.
by I'm theonlyonewhothoughtofthis November 16, 2010
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1.Laugh my f***ing ass off
2.American pop music duo consisting of Redfoo and SkyBlu.
3.Love my friends and others.
1. Steve: Today I wet myself in front of my colleagues

Jack: Hilarious lol,rofl,LMFAO.

2. Steve: Do you like Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO?

Jack: Yes

3. Steve: I hate Jack

Mum/Mom: Now Steve remember what mommy told you

Steve: LMFAO
by Quagman November 21, 2012
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Lesbians make funny anal orgasms. From the porntube classic video.
Did you see lmfao? Fucking hottest shit I've ever seen. Who knew anal was that good.
by MartinsMyBitch October 26, 2010
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there is also a group called LMFAO. they are good. check them out. ;)
angela: did you hear about lauren falling down the stair at school?!?!

ariel: LMFAO.
by angieeeeeeeee9 September 11, 2009
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this stands for Large Mingling Farts Abolish Others
by soylecithin August 15, 2011
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x: U look so nice today!

y: lmfao!
by hogy5 September 2, 2011
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