Akin to Seinfeld's Yada Yada Yada. It indicates a repetative or obvious progressing in the current or specified action.
Bob: If you keep jerking off, you're gonna go blind, grow hair on your palms, and like that there.
Rob: Whatever. Wanna go for Taco Bell?
Rob: Whatever. Wanna go for Taco Bell?
by JDMat August 1, 2008
Like like is more then liking as a friend, yet different then a crush. Its a step above a crush, and a step below love.
"Dude, Jenna so like likes Tom!"
"I do not like like David, I just like him."
"So... do you like like me, or just like me?"
"I do not like like David, I just like him."
"So... do you like like me, or just like me?"
by dorkwad March 20, 2003
Where you more than like like someone, but you don't say you love them. Like like like is a sign of a relationship going somewhere.
by Palroonie September 4, 2017
by Aleph Daylabutliker January 4, 2010
Essentially, "liking" something on facebook that you don't actually have sincere interest in.
Some do it to fit in by liking what popular people liked.
Some do it to reinforce in everyone's minds that the he/she is, indeed, friends with the poster of the status.*
Some do it to make sure everyone knows that he/she was a part of the inside joke in the status.*
Some do it to create the illusion that he/she was a part of the inside joke in the status.*
*You can interchange 'status' and 'picture'.
Some do it to fit in by liking what popular people liked.
Some do it to reinforce in everyone's minds that the he/she is, indeed, friends with the poster of the status.*
Some do it to make sure everyone knows that he/she was a part of the inside joke in the status.*
Some do it to create the illusion that he/she was a part of the inside joke in the status.*
*You can interchange 'status' and 'picture'.
Examples of Liking to be Liked:
One, Two, and Three alllll liked Four's status, so I did too.
Five's status was nothing special, but I liked it because I wanted to make sure everyone knows I know her and I'm tight with her.
Six made her status about all the drinks we had, but she didn't name names, so I made sure everyone knows I was the one she had drinks with (in case anyone is unsure I drink) by liking it.
One of Seven's statuses was about her and Eight drinking, and even though I wasn't there, I had to make sure everyone knows I do like to drink (in case anyone doesn't know I'm hardcore) so I liked it.
One, Two, and Three alllll liked Four's status, so I did too.
Five's status was nothing special, but I liked it because I wanted to make sure everyone knows I know her and I'm tight with her.
Six made her status about all the drinks we had, but she didn't name names, so I made sure everyone knows I was the one she had drinks with (in case anyone is unsure I drink) by liking it.
One of Seven's statuses was about her and Eight drinking, and even though I wasn't there, I had to make sure everyone knows I do like to drink (in case anyone doesn't know I'm hardcore) so I liked it.
by Nick D. Howard September 9, 2010
A Facebook status update frequently seen when someone is extremely bored, and involves them replying to any likes on the post by typing a positive comment on that person's wall. It can become quite forced when the person who likes the post isn't well liked or well known by the poster of the status update. It also helps boost the ego of people who like the post as they are always complimented.
Alvin: Like for a like
Jason likes the post.
Alvin posts on Jason's wall: I've known you for ages and we've been on the same soccer team together.
Jason likes the post.
Alvin posts on Jason's wall: I've known you for ages and we've been on the same soccer team together.
by australianbigfoot April 15, 2013
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