A cool German last name meaning lovers!
The Liebers family rocks
by KarlaAnn June 29, 2008
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Dalton McGunity, Premier of Ontario
"I will not raise your taxes" - Dalton McGuinty campaign pledge.

Meanwhile, he is responsible for the largest tax increase in Ontario history.
by Snickerdo September 1, 2004
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a leftist whose only solution to any perceived problem is to increase taxes, government involvement, or both.
A person who does not examine the issues but continues to press continuing or augmenting a course of action in the face of failure.
A person who believes that corporations and conservative movements are full of mean-spirited, greedy Scrooges but that bureaucrats and leftist politicians only have pure, altruistic motives.
Lieberals believe that man-made global warming is a fact.
Lieberals believe that ObamaCare is a success.
Lieberals believe that "Teabagger" is a synonym for conservative.
by OhioHistorian May 28, 2015
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wordplay, pun based on a fusion of the words 'Liberal' and 'liar'. Typicly used in an insulting manner.
Lieberals are stealing all your money to give to drug users: just ask the Cuntservatives
by Angrydead April 11, 2008
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to recieve road-head in a golf cart while doing donuts in the mud
Dude that Lieber was amazing, I'm still dizzy!
by crazy dawg November 23, 2009
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A political figure of the left, that can't help but liberally lie.
Obama can't address any State Of The Union without lying heavily, but with a smile. He is a typical Lieberal!
by Red Dragon #20 March 23, 2016
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Is that Justin Bieber?
No, that's just a lieber. I think she works at QuikTrip.
by bettyanne February 22, 2011
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