
Libertad is the warcry of the Austrian school, free-market economics libertarian.
"Nobel laureate Frederich Hayek is pip pip. Libertad! Libertad!"
by Catalán May 22, 2009
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Captain Libertad

1. Noun. 010000101000011110101001001100101001001001...
0101000111101...Captain Libertad...01010010001001010111010011...
by Mikhail February 17, 2005
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Spanish for "Yes! I have freed your prisoners and have now come for you!"

Made famous by Guybrush Threepwood in Monkey Island.
"Madre de dios! It's El Pollo Diablo."
(Acoustic guitar bit)
"Si! He dejado en libertad los prisoneros y ahora vengo por tis!"
by Snake February 22, 2005
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