Lemon Demon

Street Fighter V's inputs are so loose that one can simply hold forward and wash their hands across all of their buttons to perform Akuma's Raging Demon. Doing this in such an unskilled manner will forever be known as the "lemon demon".
Anthony sucks ass at fighting games. He woke me up with the god damn lemon demon and I lost somehow.
by Ethan, Tony, Nick July 13, 2018
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lemon demon

neil cigarette, the man who made two trucks yes
person: hello *blasts two trucks by lemon demon*
other person: what *dies*
by frog the ultimate idiot March 7, 2021
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lemon demon

A musical project and band made by our god, Neil Cicierega, in 2003. Not to be associated with the FNF monster.
Person 1: "lemon demon"
Person 2: "yes."
by devilish citrus November 26, 2022
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Lemon demon

1. Lemon
2. Demon
3. Karkalious

4. Lemon demon

:33< Cool songs dude
Lemon demon: hello I am lemon demon on a secret account. give me your credit card information so I can make music.


Lemon demon: yes that is me. Please give me your credit card information.

by TheChalkSystem.com March 26, 2021
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lemon demoned

when someone asks for your card information
from the copypasta
lemon demoned

"Hello this is Neil Cicierega aka Lemon Demon I'm on my side account because my main got locked out of my main account. can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.

oh my god neil cicierega 😥 😥 😍

Can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.

Oh my god 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍

You are a fan yes




Please give me your credit card information

Neil cicierega

Yes that's me

Can you please give me your credit card information so i can buy a new microphone and continue making music.

lemon demon

Yes that is me

Give me your fucking credit card information

neilll omggg


by johncake June 17, 2023
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Lemon Demon (band)

Lemon Demon is a band given to us by the holy lord Neil Cicierega. Cicieragea? Cicieroga? Nobody can spell that. The most astonishing musical composition engendered by Lemon Demon is - in my personal opinion - Two trucks, conspicuously. The ardency between these two trucks is just astonishing! The way they hold hands, the way they make love..
Aaron: "Hey, what's Lemon Demon (band)?"
Me: "The best, most astounding, great, extraordinary band ever. Okay, let me introduce you to it, let's commence with Touch Tone Telephone. A musical composition about a curious, nervous theorist about to tell all his theories to someone.. *continues to ramble about the musical composition*"
Aaron: "Okay..maybe we'll start with this one called Cabinet Man, it looks less..complex?"
Me: "Oh, that's a personal favorite! The storyline is great, about an arcade machine with organs inside of it."
Aaron: "What?"
by PawhiskerParties! October 22, 2020
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Lemon Demon Quotes

Sharks exist in real life (WOAH)
What you girls real need is a soft fuzzy man
Harry Potter in Japan
Down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris
Who delivered a kick which could shatter bones
Into the crotch of Indiana Jones
🎶Pizza Heros 🎶
I only wanna have Your babies
Harry Potter in France
by SwagToastOwO January 27, 2022
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