A party where people bring their own computers, hook them up, and game all night long with eachother. Also involves mass comsumption of caffeine and junk food.
I can't wait to pwn everone at tonight's lan party.
by AFatalFantasy February 25, 2004
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A LAN party is where a large number of albinos, almost always male, gather in darkened rooms to protect them from the harshness of the sun and the corrosive effects of oxygen, and the bears, which as we all know, live "outside", and can only be guarded against by being inside. They engage in various mental exercises, most often simulated battle, to prepare them for any possible future hostile action taken by "others". These simulations are loaded into computers, which are usually owned and brought by the participants. There is often a small supply of sustenance available at the start, though it is ignored by most of the participants for the first many hours. In fact, many of the participants subsit solely on the copious amounts of stimulants that are available, usually dissolved into liquids with a high energy content. The event usually occurs until the participants are drawn away to other pursuits, most often infiltration missions into the general population.
The LAN Party is a sacred rite.
by AGTMADCAT February 27, 2005
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A social gathering, usually male-dominated, involving massive caffeine consumption and nearly constant playing of computer games. Like a sleepover, but without the sleep.
When's the next lan party?
by Mahalis September 11, 2005
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Playing multiplayer games is much more fun when your opponent is in range of verbal abuse
I cant wait to pwn you at the next LAN party
by BlackSabbath16 June 26, 2007
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A group of computers joined on a Local Area Network (lan), usually for playing games.
Kilo and Parid threw an awesome Lan Party last night. . .
by blaze June 3, 2002
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A sacred ritual where many socially outcast males, of the Nerdus religion, engage in ritualistic murder of eachother (referred to as "fragging") in the hopes that their god Microson will grant them another life, which is referred to as a "respawn" among them. It is also speculated that caffeinated drinks are served. A LAN party has never been witnessed by an outsider before, and therefore everything known about them is speculation.
Guy 1: Dude! Have you seen Eric?
Guy 2: Nah, man. Not since the LAN party.
by Rob Is The Greatest February 25, 2008
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A gathering usually consisting of a group of friends, for fun or competition. This gathering involves either a Xbox, and/or a PC. Including games such as Counter Strike and/or Halo. LAN Parties usually go on all night due to extensive junk food consumption and caffeine, resulting in elongated sleep the night after the LAN Party.
When is your next LAN Party? I'm ready to pwn some n00bs!
by TheAmazingJordo November 5, 2005
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