The illest Crip Gang in the Mecca Town
Stomp on em slobk ass niggas
Ayo I heard that nigga from LCG gatted those niggas from TOC and SDP.
Yeah fucc those bitch made niggas.
by younglocc December 24, 2005
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Long-chain girl; a girl wearing a long chain that hangs below the breasts
Don Tank: LCG 3 O'Clock I'm moving in.
Don Z-Cash: Copy that. I'll wingman and take the one on the left
by Don Vegas January 2, 2010
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Acronym for "Look! Celebrity Gossip!"
"Kim Kardashian is dating someone new."

Cindy: LCG!
by L!CG! January 18, 2011
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Leather Coat Guy - The random guy at a bar who wears a leather jacket and sings Matchbox Twenty songs (like he means them). May be best identified by the tooth decay that is displayed when he smiles.

The Ladies Man of White Trash.
Oh God.... here comes LCG!
by Herman Roe December 8, 2003
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Little Crip Girls. A Pussy ass gang that if one were to catch fadewith 1 LCG member, LCG will call up all the homies beacuse they aint shit w/out their homeboys.
Fuck LCG and AC. Little Crip girls and Ass Crack
by Biff Charles III March 16, 2005
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