this last name is quite rare, but when you meet a "Kumer" make sure they become your friend... Unless they decide you're not worthy. They can and will do this to the unworthy because they simply want to. Kumers also use the term Kumer as an adjective. They mostly also refer to themselves as bad-asses even if you personally think they are not. Most Kumers (especially in the west region of America) are quite strong and some people are afraid of them. Kumers are actually quite obnoxious according to some people, but they keep on going their awesome Kumer ways. Cuz they roll that way.
There goes a Kumer... You better watch out.
by KatieKumer April 30, 2008
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He was ready for the academic comeback...
Paul Kumer sucks he should lift my grade to a A+++ (REAL)
by THE Chad Thundercock December 19, 2022
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