KSI stands for Kno-
Kiss Simon immediately
by Don't Subscribe April 19, 2021
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a fatneek with a big forehead who beat the shit out of logan paul and gets bullied by his fans on reddit
person1:who is ksi
person2:he beat the shit out of logan paul
by ttvxnoxalx October 21, 2020
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A youtuber that uses the phrases:
Person 1-do u know KSI

Person 2-yes the weird guy that can't grow a beard properly
by SamTheMan368 January 30, 2020
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The only Nigerian YouTuber with two dimond play buttons does Reddit videos has multiple personalities and uses the terms: fuck sake, ting, raaa, guys I’m 6 ft what do you mean, allow it fam, fucking cunts.
What is that fatneek of a mans YouTube name? Oh yea it’s KSI
by KSI_is_dad October 8, 2020
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WOW! That KSI over there has one big forehead, bigger than Mount Everest
by FIFA 20> Madden NFL 2005 June 25, 2020
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KSI is the youtuber that did the world a favor and beat Logan Paul silly.
KSI wears a bandana 24/7 in his videos
by **TINGTING** August 27, 2018
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He is a really cool guy who did the UK a massive favour by beating the shit out of logan Paul.
Wow ksi beat the shit out of logan obviously logan Paul is irrelevant and likes to look at Japanese people in the forest
by Jeff2sav April 21, 2019
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