Kinsley is an amazing women who fights herself mentally but is drop dead gorgeous she is passionate about her opinions and beliefs She sees the good and ignores it for others kinsley knows what she wants but usually never gets it basically kinsley is that one girl who u need and want to be in ur life but if u lose her u better consider her gone
by Kikibirdkins0210 May 24, 2017
Someone that is kind ,funny and awesome but she is a Kinsley s so she has a BIG booty and is fine as hell
by Streethoodgang6969 February 13, 2019
Might as well same AMAZING!! It means one gorgeous bitch brought down from heaven! It's someone who's an amazing friend and will never let you down. Cherish having someone like this!
by poopnugget143 June 27, 2011
Kinsley is a drop-dead beautiful woman who fights for her rights and will do anything for the Friendship she is a one-of-a-kind girl the most beautiful hottest girl
by Tommy ford February 26, 2021
Kinsley is the sweetest young woman ever! She is very passive; avoids hurting others at all costs, even if it hurts herself. Kinsley is very passionate about her relationship with God and friends! She lives her life full of the Holy Spirit! Kinsley loves art! But not just painting; she loves macrame, dancing with her friends, singing! Everything she does, she does whole heartedly! Always her best! Wether it be school work, her art, or her chores! ;) She wants the best for her family and friends! Anybody would be lucky to have a Kinsley in their life! :)
Teacher 1: Who is one of your best students?
Teacher 2: Oh! Probably Kinsley! She is so smart and hardworking! She’s very respectful and kind to everyone!
Teacher 2: Oh! Probably Kinsley! She is so smart and hardworking! She’s very respectful and kind to everyone!
by FruitSaladForTheSoul October 16, 2021
she gets all the hot guys and everyone she wants plus a kinsley will always be there for you she’s really quite until you get to know her and more than likely she will date you if you are her guy bestfriend
by Kins208 December 3, 2021