Gary Kasparov, a chess grand-master who got pissed after a computer beat him easily.
Kasparov is good at chess.
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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The greatest chess player of all time.
He is of Armenian descent.
Bob: Damn, I again lost this chess match against Jack.
Steven: Yeah, he is such a Garry Kasparov.
by A name hopefully not used yet November 6, 2013
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That guy who had the record for the highest points in chess, until this other guy reached higher. He quit chess in the 2000-s. He got beat by a powerful chess-playing supercomputer in the 1990's.
Garry Kasparov is a russian man
by IDKIDC December 11, 2013
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A phrase used against one who says they are an expert at one topic when they get contradicted or proven wrong in that same topic.
1: Video games are not sports, since you do not do any major physical movement while playing, like running or jumping.
2: If it is required to do physical movements, why is chess considered a sport? You don't do any "mayor physical movement" in it.
1: Uh, well...
2: Checkmate, Kasparov.
by TheRealDareka June 19, 2024
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