The Kabadakari are a fictional race whom habitat the planet Kabadakar. In order to better understand other races, and to be better understood themselves, they have travelled to our Universe in order to accomplish this aim.

Their leader, Kabadakari, is the media friendly face of the Kabadakari race. He owns a ship, namely "The Galactic Challenger of Rights" which he pilots along with his invisible crew.

The 'billions' of other Kabadakari ships currently parked in our atmosphere are blanketed by a cloak, rendering them invisible.
In order to maintain radio silence, the Kabadakari use Telepathy to communicate with their leader.

The Kabadakari believe that their powers are unmatched by any other race in any othet Galaxy. It is common that they will transport members of other races crews onto their ship for interrogation, and are well known for treating their captives 'quite well' during this kidnap.

Should an act of aggression occur between a race and the Kabadakari, if the opposing race show power equal to them, the Kabadakari will usually end the stand-off and cease hostilities.

In light of the Kabadakari's unwillingness to 'de-cloak' themselves and really show the impressive numbers at the mercy of their leader, Kabadakari, it has led to some social commentators to suggest that the Kabadamari race are a race of one single inhabitant, Kabadakari himself. When asked, the Kabadakari leader will argue that the Kabadakari must remain cloaked in the interests of planetary security.

Small excerpts of this most powerful race can be found on Youtube, Facebook, and BBC3 should they be accepted for programme introduction.
"We, the Kabadakari, will destroy your homeworld, pathetic hU'mans!!"
by Kabadakari January 25, 2009
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