A beautiful name for a (young) beautiful girl. She is outgoing, very funny (or tries to be), and has a unique style. She is also very lovable, but can be awkward at times. She is the type of person you can easily get along with. She will be there to comfort her friends when they need it.
by ksjdkwhfwkhfejf November 23, 2021
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A pretty and kind hearted girl. Helpful towards her friend and tells pretty lame jokes too. Popular among people around her.
"Wasabi A meet Wasabi B, what does Wasabi A say to wasabi B?" Says Jing Hui.

" Wappsup B! (Wasabi B)" Jing Hui exclaimed.
by AnonymousAAAA November 23, 2021
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A kind-hearted girl who can make friends with anyone. Helpful person with a great personality and a beautiful smile. A person with very nice hair and she's very pretty as well.
Damn! She's such a goddess. She must be Jing Hui!
by AnonymousAAAA November 23, 2021
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