Taking an alternate route that has the potential to get you to your destination quicker than taking the standard route. There is also the potential that you will enounter some obstacles along the way, like numerous stop signs, stop lights, and difficult left turns due to non-stop cross-traffic.

Its common to drive recklessly while taking the James Bond route, much like 007 is forced to do when being chased through narrow streets in Rome, Paris, Madrid, etc.
Hwy 41 was so backed up, we decided to take the James Bond route and beat all those suckers sitting in traffic by a good 20 minutes.

He thought he was slick by taking the James Bond route, but ended up hitting fifteen stop signs in the subdivision and he got a ticket for doing 20 over in a 25. What an idiot.
by Oh Welles March 19, 2008
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Originating from the video games, a disorder in which someone can carry and infinite amount of weapons and ammunition up their ass.

Also know as GTA Syndrome.
Jeff: Where the hell did that RPG come from?
Tom: Be a little more sensitive; he has James Bond Syndrome.
by Adam Iannazzone May 10, 2008
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the largest penis that has ever been identified.
Jim: Have you seen James Bonds Penis?
Mel: Yeah, he fucking destroyed me last night and my pussy flaps tore off.
by Good Man May 15, 2017
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cumming and then cutting up person to serve at a michelin star restaurant.
by MONGUS January 28, 2022
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serving as a groomsman in a wedding, and later on, banging a bridesmaid from behind. Pull out and skeet on her back, and roll her over onto your tux jacket, so that it is stuck to her. Similar to pulling a superman.
the best man totally got pull a James Bond. That maid of honor, what a slut.
by ballchester January 4, 2010
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when one uses phrases originally found in James Bond movies... most commonly "shaken, not stirred", can also apply to the use of the "bond, james bond" style of stating ones name.
-What's your name?
-Smith, Joe Smith
-Dude, quit it with the James Bond-age

-How do u take ur martinis?
-Shaken, not stirred. ::following a dramatic head roll::
by watevrrr August 7, 2008
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In series involving more than one actor playing a specific character (EX: James Bond, Doctor Who), the first actor you see playing that character will be believed to be the best at it.
Guy 1: Dude Matt Smith is the best Doctor!
Guy 2: Nah I think David Tennant was way better.
Guy 1: Well which one did you see first?
Guy 2: David Tennant.
Guy 1: You've just got James Bond Syndrome.
by Couch Radish March 14, 2012
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