“In the works
Kenny to Calvin: “send an email”
Calvin who has not sent an email but plans to: “Itw
by Krexer April 9, 2019
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An abbreviation of the phrase "In the world". this phrase is added onto the end of sentences for added effect.

When used without the abbreviation it is best that you say it in a Jeremy Clarkson accent.
by TcG LiBeR8ToRZz August 1, 2010
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Its The Weed...
OMG that chocolate meatloaf covered candy was so delish!!

No!! ITW!!!!
by Schmilf January 23, 2010
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In The World

Comes from an obvious place called the internet where people are lazy fucktards.
by Maverician March 18, 2005
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Is this weird? Commonly used before explaining something odd about oneself or when just seeking attention on a social network. When spoken, young people pronounce it 'IT dubs'.
ITW? I always blink three times before conversations I have with my psych teacher or a woman.

ITW? Sometimes I force myself to laugh out loud when I'm alone and need a cheer up. Or, I just write lol on the chalkboard 100 times.
by AKster July 21, 2012
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1. A high school where each year they take in large amounts of hopeless kids who all either failed their selective enrollment test or didn't bother taking it. They're forced to cope with teachers trying to be in their business.

2. A building that is at least new, but filled with ignorant, pot-head, slutty, egotistical, bitches who all think they'll make it big in this world by doing nothing.

3. A school where the students can only express themselves by the types of socks they fucking wear. Where we don't even have our own privacy. Like we can't even take a shit alone. A school where your only cool if you pass the fitness exam. And where teachers can curse at students.
Maria: What school you go to?
Josh: ITW David Speer

Maria: I’ll pray for you
by Wack g November 18, 2018
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The best striker in the world is commonly referred to as Harry Edward Kane MBE. Kane received this title in the 2014/15 season as he lit up the premier league at a young age. He has continued giving defenders nightmares ever since, especially Arsenal and Leicester City defenders.
Aubameyang fan: “hey who’s the best striker itw?”
Intellectual: “Not Aubameyang, it’s definitely Harry Kane.”
Aubameyang fan: “aight safe I’ll rep Kane from now on.”
by celsoball May 27, 2020
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