When men cum on dissimilar-skinned women's faces. Like a white guy on a black woman's face, or a black guy on a white woman's face, a chinese guy on a woman's face with hispanic backgrounds etc.
by MarcYanix April 6, 2010
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"She could do SO much better" is a phrase I often hear uttered by my friends> We've all seen it and now TIME has a term form it. Interfacial.

Interfacial: When one half is hot and the other not.

Often one wonders why the poor unfortunate should would agree to be endlessly seen as the fugly half. Sure, sure. Love is blind, but the rest of the world is not.

To take it at face value (haha) it just looks wrong.

Do the world a favour, stick to the status quoe.

"I wonder a guy like him got a girl like HER. He must be rich!"
An Interfacial marriage: Donald Trump & Melania Knauss

Guess which is HOT and the other comb-over NOT!
by Milku May 4, 2007
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A relationship where one individual is much better looking than the other. Due to the disparity in looks, the couple is forced to engage in cross-facial communication.
Amanda, I want you to know that I don't approve of your interfacial relationship with Joe. You are a betty and he is an ogre.

Dude, remember that one time I was in an interfacial relationship with Nam? Everyone looked at us like "what the hell are they doing together?" It was sweet.

Annalyn just doesn't understand me. I think it has to do with our interfacial relationship and how she feels inferior compared to my beauty.
by hapfrap57 May 3, 2007
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One's hot when the other's not. A relationship mismatched on the level of attractiveness.
Dude's totally in an interfacial marriage. Have you seen the woofer he has settled with?
by Etch May 2, 2007
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A marital union including two people of unequal yoking in the looks department.
Interfacial marriage is on the rise with new unions such as that between Donald and Melania Trump.
The Supreme Court just declared interfacial marriage unfortunate, though legal.
by Cassie & Joanna April 29, 2007
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A relationship where one individual is much better looking than the other. Due to the disparity in looks, the couple is forced to engage in cross-facial communication.
Amanda, I want you to know that I don't approve of your interfacial relationship with Joe. You are a betty and he is an ogre.

Dude, remember that one time I was in an interfacial relationship with Nam? Everyone looked at us like "what the hell are they doing together?" It was sweet.

Annalyn just doesn't understand me. I think it has to do with our interfacial relationship and how she feels inferior compared to my beauty.
by j*hawk May 18, 2007
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