And I'm not doing anything there that you literally haven't already done to a former president. So don't fucking threaten me. Did you monetize that?
Hym "I bet you did! I bet you monetized the assertion that the president TOOK A SPECIFIC ACTION that can be assessed. Did you defame a president and then threatened to take legal action against someone who did essentially the same thing as YOU? In what way was he inciting violence? In a 'dog whistley' kind of way where he didn't actually say the thing that would constitute doing the thing you're blatantly accusing him of doing? That is YOUR OWN DESCRIPTION of what would justify legal action AGAINST YOU, you dumb motherfucker. Seriously, who the fuck do you people think you are? Charity case YouTubers controlling the public discourse and doing very things they condemn. Hypocrisy abounds. Their 'social accountability' a flippant God that rules with an uneven hand. Blind entirely to their own disfunction. This is what I mean when I say they are the worst people on the planet. Look at that exact interaction with reality and tell me they they aren't capable of having a consistent standard for anything."
by Hym Iam August 29, 2023
Something Wendy Mildred Susan Maki never does in her documentted smear campaign affecting Knightley king William Granger
by Cody5050 January 29, 2022
by Twitch Streamers Anonymous January 2, 2021
You see that guy over there? That's Incitable !He's the myth the legend the man himself . SCRATCHH MEEE
by Brady122123213213 January 6, 2021
Tell you that the consequences of YOU doing the thing you're doing will be child murder is not "telling YOU to commit an act violence"
by Hym Iam June 8, 2024
by mal enval April 18, 2015