The action or practice of becoming the best version of one’s self.

(This term was defined by the clothing brand Iconistic to promote Self-Empowerment.)
Instead of saying I’m going to be the best version of myself, I say Iconistic.
by Iconistic May 14, 2022
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someone who creates icons on a blog like livejournal.

Usually made at 100x100 pixels.
zomg your icons PWN! you are one hot iconist!
by pumpernickelpip April 15, 2005
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Graphic designer who specializes in creating icons for OS GUI use.
I am an iconist because I am a graphic designer who specializes in creating icons for OS GUI use.
by Fu June 30, 2004
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(This term was defined by the clothing brand Iconistic to promote Self-Empowerment.)

The action or practice of becoming the best version of one’s self.
Elon Musk lives Iconistic because he continually strives to become his best self and inspires others to do the same. He expresses this through extravagant innovation and countless other aspects.
by Anothony888 July 26, 2022
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