Internet Fuckin Explorer. The world's shittiest browser written by a bunch of code monkeys with IQ < 16 at Microsoft. Known for breaking perfectly standards compliant websites and being a nightmare for web developers around the world.

Currently there exists three versions of this shitbag - IFE5, IFE6, and IFE7 -- all of them are non-compliant with each other. MSFT is now busy creating another of them -- IFE9!
Dude 0: What is IFE, dude?
Dude 1: Internet Fuckin Explorer, dude!
by Web Developers of the World December 7, 2007
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Ufs, ifs, we all fucking suck.
by earinlololol December 6, 2008
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I'm going to fill a waterbed with femcum, then freeze it, and then push it out into the ocean. And I will call it an Ife-burg.
by libidoski May 5, 2008
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The version of miffed used by people that are A) too lazy/physically unable to pronounce the first letters in words, B) M-haters, or C) actually a girl in Canada trying to start a word trend such as fetch.
Brian was miffed at Ling for being iffed at him when he said a girl was fetch.
by Lingg August 30, 2005
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Idiot Freaks. All of those people with no common sense who act as if they know what they are doing. Who try to communicate with others, ie you and me , in an attempt to feel normal and part of the human race. You may not know if you are an IF, but you have surely been affected by one or more in your lifetime.
Ifs try to turn left from the right hand lane without a signal and then flip off the person who they cut off.
Ifs push an empty stroller in Disneyland and there is no child in sight.
Ifs read this on a Friday night.
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Usually originates from a Blindian heritage. Found to pay upmost respect to people of a Chindian culture. They tend to be wild and found slizzard.
They are so ife
by continental1 January 3, 2011
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In Fucking Economy. This is an expression of dismay when a person fails to achieve a one-class upgrade on a very, very long flight.
OMG, IFE from Tokyo to San Francisco. FML.
by FlyR June 25, 2010
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