by Killer Keemstar the memestar October 19, 2016
A way of saying "don't f*&%$ with me" if someone is trying to start shit with you in any way shape or form or I will retaliate.
by Ekeoutmyisis March 12, 2016
by Stegosaurus24 October 28, 2013
I am the one the one the one. Try to unscramble this message. I W I L L N O T L I V E T H A T L O N G P L E A S E H E L P
by GokuAnanta_SSJB May 19, 2020
Sebastian Michealis's, from the anime Kuroshitsuji or in America Black Butler, catch phrase. In almost every episode he says that.
EPISODE . . . 4
Madam Red: Are you sure your just a butler? Are like some sort of secret military officer or something?
Sebastian Michealis: Oh no. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler
Madam Red: Are you sure your just a butler? Are like some sort of secret military officer or something?
Sebastian Michealis: Oh no. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler
by WannabeTheBloodyFoxy September 21, 2011
by Eddie the Head October 12, 2022