by nottheownerofelka June 12, 2015
Hot Yoga is a auto-erotic act which is accomplished only through a mastery of the flexibility gained by extensive practice of yoga and strong fecalphilial urges. To accomplish a Hot Yoga, one must be flexible enough to bend their head and pelvis close enough together to pass a bowel movement onto one's own face. There exists several positions and varriations, but ultimately must be done by either bending the head forward towards the crotch or with greater difficulty, bending of the head backwards toward the rectum and releasing a bowel movement of any consistency onto one's own face.
Steven practices Hot Yoga so he can dump on his own face when nobody is around to do it.
Tom worked on his flexibility for years just so he could give himself a Hot Yoga.
Tom worked on his flexibility for years just so he could give himself a Hot Yoga.
by Humpergoat January 25, 2011
dropping a big steaming load off at the porcelain throne...or anywhere you feel like poppin' a squat.
by Rock'em Sock'em Betty Crock'em December 30, 2010
HOT MONKEY YOGA My Yoga Instructor showed Me How To Use Her Hot Monkey. And The Poses She Knew, Will Remain Indelibly, etched in My Mind.
by Richard ( Dick ) Gozinia June 2, 2024
HOT MONKEY YOGA Theirs YOGA ,Theirs Hot YOGA , And Theirs The Monkey Pose. But Nothing Beats Hot Monkey Yoga.
HOT MONKEY YOGA Is A Type Of Yoga That Incorporates The Use Of The Hot Monkey (vagina). My Yoga Instructor, Taught Me, How To Use, Her Hot Monkey. And The Poses She Knew, will be Forever, Indelibly Etched In My Mind.
by Richard ( Dick ) Gozinia June 2, 2024