hitting the john

Using the bathroom.

Alternate phrase for "smoking a joint." Used when the "authorities" are around, as a discreet way to let fellow stoners know what you just did/are going to do, because it sounds like #1 to virgin ears.
I went downstairs after hitting the john.

MOM: What were you two doing?

KID 1: We were hitting the john!

KID 2: Yeah!

KID 3: (laughs)
by Zolotros March 31, 2010
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slang whiskey, especially of cheap or inferior grade

origin uncertain: may allude to wild bar brawls in a drunken state and the common male given name “John” for anyone so struck in such a fight indiscriminately and/or may be a corruption of ‘hooch
The cowboy always travelled on the drive with a bottle of Who-Hit-John in his hand.
by Jon64Bailey January 9, 2008
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