A gross Hobo who calls himself a poet and sings bob Marley to 12 in einglish class thinking he is cool but he is whiter than the crest commercial girls teeth and oxi clean combined

A hinkler is someone who act like they like him then talks shit
Did you see renaldo today? Yea he is such a hinkler to the hinkle himself JARED
by lugrayay May 1, 2019
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A guy that always crashes on your couch but never pays rent. Also known as a "hideaway hinkle".
Damn, that dude is always hinkling you.

Lock your doors, hideaway hinkle is coming over!

Who ate my doritos? I've been HINKLED!!!!
by fizzled June 16, 2011
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A hint of an inkling.
" I have a hinkling that work is going to suck on Monday."
by Cameron66 February 3, 2008
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An extremely large ham steak (1-2 inches thick), usually appearing out of thin air or from the eater's pocket, which serves as an entire meal; side dishes nor drink are existent, as the ham stands alone.
Imagine our surprise when we witnessed Matt eating The Hinkle during lunch hour. Its size was unnatural, and it appeared out of nowhere; we didn't even smell it heating in the microwave...
by m_ech December 14, 2011
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1. to link elbows, esp. in a large group of people
Dorothy, the scarecrow, and the tin man hinkle in The Wizard of Oz in the scene where they skip down the yellow brick road.
by .contemplating.homicide. January 20, 2008
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Being a hinkle means being a young white male whom will put their penis into anything while also intentionally friendzoning 99% of the girls you meet.
Friend 1: -to friend 2- Hey that girl is really into you

Friend 2: We're just friends

Friend 1: Yo, don't be a hinkle
by Mythoit May 19, 2016
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(V) to go big and hope for the best when all bets are off.
1. "Did you study for that math midterm?"
"No I just Hinkle-hucked it..."

2. "What did you try to do on that last wave?"
" I don't even know. I just Hinkle-hucked it."
by Skinn Rols September 3, 2014
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