Somebody who's up in it, lovin' it, and they heard your mother say "Come Again"
Brah. Brah. I am Hercules Mulligan.
by Fuckingchristalive August 12, 2016
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The dude who fucked your all your horses and daughters just because. He gets drunk just because and screams in your fucking face just because.

Also gay as fuck for Laffayette
Daaammmn, Hercules Mulligan, you fucked my daughter and my horse.
by Allye - Total Badass March 15, 2017
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1. A really loud and unexpected sound, usually in a middle of a song
2. A spy on the inside
3. Tailors apprentice
4. Fuckboy
5. A person who doesn't need introduction
6. Gets the f**k back up
"Whoa that sure was a Hercules Mulligan!"
"I hired a Hercules Mulligan to spy on my enemies."
"I'm sewing pants, I'm actually a Hercules Mulligan
"He sure looks like a Hercules Mulligan"
by LunKa March 2, 2017
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A tailor spying on the British government. He takes their measurements, information and then he smuggles it. To his brother's revolutionary covenant he’s running with the Sons of Liberty and he is loving it. See, that's what happens when you up against the ruffians. If you in the shit now, somebody gotta shovel it. Hercules Mulligan, he needs no introduction
When you knock him down he gets the fuck back up again.
Who was a spy during the American Revolutionary War?

Answer: Hercules Mulligan
by PonianYoutube December 21, 2020
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A Taylor spying on the British government who takes they’re measurements, information and then smuggles it.
How did we know that this plan would work? We had a spy on the inside. That's right Hercules Mulligan!
by Digital street chicken December 25, 2019
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