Rhyming slang for Swedgers a pseudonym for Ecstasy. MDMA, also known as Ecstasy - chemical name (3, 4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), is a synthetic, psychoactive drug possessing stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. MDMA possesses chemical variations of the stimulant amphetamine or methamphetamine and a hallucinogen, most often mescaline. MDMA is a "mood elevator" that produces a relaxed, euphoric state.MDMA is taken orally, usually in tablet form; sometimes capsule form, in doses ranging from 50 to 150 mg. A normal dose is around 100 - 125 mg. 'Black market' ecstasy tablets vary widely in strength, and often contain other drugs. The size of the pill is not necessarily related to the dose. Its effects peak at about four hours and last approximately four to six hours.

This was made all the more ironic recently by the discovery of a naked, dead Heath Ledger at his New York apartment, surrounded by small white tablets of an undetermined origin.
"I got 15 heath ledgers for 2 squid off big Paul"

"Here, are there any Heath Ledgers floating about tonight? I want to get Heathed off my nut"
by Davey McTavish January 26, 2008
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A famous actor whose death was recently celebrated and is now a national holiday.
"Omg! It's Heath Ledger, day. I can't wait to burn copies of Brokeback Mountain. Batman wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for him. I'm so happy he died."
by Longpoke August 2, 2008
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To overdose on pills. Or to be fucking one of the Olsen twins most likely Mary Kate! To have an accident-Kind of.
I told Dennis to lay off the pills before he pulled a Heath Ledger!

I told you sir, I never meant to shit on your porch it was a Heath Ledger.
by DC Chapman January 30, 2008
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For one man to fuck another man in the ass. Usually performed by cowboys upon one another.
Person 1: "Dude, I was walking through the park the other day, and I seen this fag in the bushes Heath Ledgering this other guy right in the Gyllenhole"
Person 2: "That's some sick-ass shit right there, man."
Person 1: "Yeah, it was brokeback mountian all over again."

Person 1: "After seeing Brokeback Mountain, I just can't watch Donnie Darko anymore. I keep thinking Frank the Bunny is going to take off his mask and turn out the be Heath Ledger - then he will proceed to bend over Donni and Heath ledger him in the Gyllenhole..."
Person 2: "Dude, that sucks...another perfectly good movie ruined by a bunch of assfucking cowboys..."
Person 1: "I know, it's sad - isn't it?"
by Thatkevinguy January 25, 2008
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An actor who made several great films, some good films,
and 1 very bad film.
An actor who killed himself when he got tired of hearing all the jokes about his 1 bad film and he knew that the jokes would never go away.
This 1 bad film destroyed his social life by causing unwanted
sexual advances from people that he had no interest in.
Bob: "Did you hear Heath Ledger killed himself?"
Sam: "I would too if evereryone thought I was queer."
by jsd9632 December 30, 2011
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