seriously are you fucking joking right now? you really search for "have a good day"??
if your enemy say this to you, they probably hope you die in a car crash.
synonym: have a good one, have a good night..etc,..
me: why did this odd bitch tell me to "have a good day"?
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to masturbate.

"Have a good one" being an alias for "Have a good wank", or more precisely "Go f*** yourself".

It seems that some people who are store clerks are embittered by the fact that they are store clerks and seek solace in this ambiguous flippancy.
VIP: Nice suit you are wearing eh?
Clerk: Thank you sir
VIP: Could you call me a cab?
Clerk: yes sir
VIP: good bye and have a nice day
Clerk: have a good one sir
by whateverTheHeck January 21, 2011
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Means enjoy your next joint, or canabis session. But also incognito as it can be used for, have a good day, or anything else.
"I don't have time to smoke, but have a good one."

"Bye, have a good one."
by Shadowdragon 42 January 8, 2017
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A word used by famous Australian Pimp: Jesse Bauld
This word is now a popular catchphrase evrywhere!
"Wanna have a good Time?, with a beer?"
by PSEUDONYMNOOB July 17, 2012
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This is when you’re not having an enjoyable time and you’d rather be doing something else. This is my mood everyday at school.
by Savethetutlesandioop September 9, 2019
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means go fuck yourself on an internal work email~AH
This is where I bow out. I’m happy to offer help but it sounds like someone else might be a better liaison.

Have a good night folks.
by Have a nice night folks August 14, 2014
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in an awkward situation when you are with your partner and all his friends and you try to make best with his best girlfriend. you ask her if she's having a good time but subsequently making it more awkward!
Michelle: Hey Shayda!

Shayda: Hi.

Michelle: .........


Michelle: So, you having a good time?!

by VI626 March 14, 2011
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